French Classes
The Association des Amis has been offering French language courses to English-speaking people for 15 years now. There is no better way to fit into your host country than to learn the language!
In 2024-2025, the French classes will restart the first week in October. As usual, there will be 30 in all during the year (10 lessons per term).
A €10 contribution is payable three times a year, at the beginning of each term in October, January and April.
There are 5 different levels:
“Starting out” is for beginners, it is face-to-face on Mondays from 10.00 to 12.00.at Callac (Kerbuannec 2)
“Moving on” is for semi-beginners, it is face-to-face on Tuesdays from 10 to 12 at Callac (Kerbuannec 2)
there are two intermediate levels (Intermediate 1 and Intermediate 2), they are also face-to-face at Callac (Kerbuannec 2)
-Intermediate 1 takes place on Fridays from 9.00 to 10.15
-Intermediate 2 takes place on Fridays from 10.45 to 12.00
the Advanced level continues video conferences on Mondays from 10.45 to 12.00.
Dina teaches “Starting out” and “Moving on”, and Catherine teaches the intermediate and advanced groups.
Please click on the menu for specific information about each of the levels.
Anyone interested in starting French classes should contact the Association des Amis (via our contact page) as soon as possible as each group is limited in number.